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How to enable the campaign External ID setting?

How to enable the campaign External ID setting?

Wojtek Andrzejczak
Wojtek Andrzejczak
How to enable the campaign External ID...

How to enable campaign External ID setting under the Google Campaign Manager campaign? And why this option is so important?

What is External ID

Google Campaign Manager has multiple elements which can identify campaigns. One of those elements is External ID. You can assign a specific reporting ID to your campaign.

Google CM / External ID / Campaign properties
Google CM / External ID / Campaign properties

When should we use External ID?

Google assigns its ID to each campaign. But very often, for the external reporting systems, we need to use, for example, a specific campaign code.

How to enable External ID?

First of all, you need to ask your Google Account Manager to enable this feature. It is not available by default. It should not be complicated and does not take a vast amount of time.

Google Campaign Manager Campaign

If you have already enabled the External ID field, you can now set this field up for your campaign.

Set External ID for the campaign

In the Google Campaign Manager campaign properties, we should be able to see in the top section of our External ID field. We can now set our campaign ID.

Landing page URL suffix

Google CM / External ID / Landing page URL suffix
Google CM / External ID / Landing page URL suffix

Now when you set the External ID for your campaign, you can set the Landing page URL suffix. So each creative will be able to have an appended tracking parameter when the user clicks on the ad.

Google CM / External ID / Website landing page
Google CM / External ID / Website landing page


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